2014-01-26 13:37:15 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网站编辑整理 
导读:snatch v.抓住,夺走:He snatched the ball out of my hand. 他把球从我手里抢走了。抓住机会做:I packed, then snatched two hours' sleep. 我打好行装,然后抓紧时间睡了两小时。



  v.抓住,夺走:He snatched the ball out of my hand. 他把球从我手里抢走了。

  抓住机会做:I packed, then snatched two hours' sleep. 我打好行装,然后抓紧时间睡了两小时。

  n.片刻:He had a snatch of sleep sitting in his chair. 他坐在椅子里稍睡片刻。


  vi.闪耀:Her eyes sparkled with happiness. 她的双眼闪耀着幸福的光芒。

  n.闪光:With a sparkle in her eye, she began telling me about her single son, Tim.那个女人眼里闪着光,她开始给我讲她的独生子提姆的事。

  活力:These prosaic details take all the sparkle out of the conversation. 这些无聊的细节使谈话失去了生气。

  3.speculative a.

  推测的:Much of our information is speculative. 我们的许多信息是带推测性的。

  投机的:speculative ventures in real estate 房地产投机生意


  a.主要的:Rice is our staple food. 米是我们的主食。

  n.主食:Sweet potato was the staple of their diet. 过去甘薯是他们的主食。

  订书钉:He used a pair of scissors to take the staple out of the document .他用剪刀将订书钉从文件上取了出来。

  vt.用订书钉订:The letter was stapled to the other documents in the file. 这封信与案卷里的其他文件钉在一起。

  5.stationary a.

  固定的:The tables in the conference room are stationary.会议室的桌子是固定的。

  6.stern a.

  严格的:Stern as he is, he is full of sympathy. 虽然他严格,却富有同情心。

  7.stockholder n.

  股东:You are the major stockholder.你是主要的股东。


  a.次要的:Pleasure should be subordinate to duty. 与工作相比,娱乐应是第二位的。

  下级的:A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general. 上校级别低于准将。

  n.下级:He treats his subordinates kindly. 他对待下级和蔼可亲。

  vt.使处于次要地位:He subordinated his wishes to the general good of the group. 他使自己的愿望服从于集体的利益。

  9.subsidy n.

  (国家的)津贴:This industry depends for its survival on government subsidies. 这个行业靠政府津贴而得以维持。

  10.summon vt.

  召唤:He was summoned to appear in court as a witness. 他被传唤出庭作证。

  召集:The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting. 那些股东被召集去参加股东大会。

  振作(精神):He summoned up his courage and proposed to her. 他鼓起勇气向她求婚。



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