2013-12-10 11:18:34 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网络编辑整理俗话说得好,“万事开头难”,这不是没有道理的。要做到“落笔生辉”实属不易。考生不能按照某一个人人都认为好的格式往里面添内容,这样就违背了作文的原则,写出的文章也定是乏味之极,要根据文章具体需要灵活搭配和组合。这样才能写出有别于他人且令读者耳目一新的文章来.环球博海四六级小编特整理了2013年英语六级作文模拟范文:地铁禁止吃东西,希望对大家有所帮助!
1. Should Food Be Banned on the Subway?
1. 对于禁止在地铁和公交车上吃东西,有人表示赞成
2. 有人则表示反对
3. 你的看法
Should Food Be Banned on the Subway?
Currently, some cities are considering a food ban on subways, which has sparked heated discussion. Some people say food should be banned because of the trash and rats they attract. And, garbage from discarded food can cause track fires. Beyond sanitary and mechanical concerns, food can also fiiel fist fights, as was discovered last week by one passenger who criticized a woman eating steamed stuffed bun on the subway.
However, some others are opposed to the idea. They argue that peopk like eating in the train in the morning because they don’t have enough time to eat at their houses or restaurants. Sometimes that may be the only time or meal a transit rider may be able to eat especially when traveling long distances. Besides, there are people, for example diabetics, who do require food at various times to maintain blood-sugar levels.
Personalty, rm against the ban becmise of the huge inconvenience it would cause commuters, and the expense involved in enforcing it. Still, I believe we should have a little common courtesy. I think we all have responsibility to try to treat our subway system and fellow riders with respect, and that extends to food as well.