2014-01-08 14:41:17 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,其重要性不言而喻,但如何才能更好的记忆词汇,提高学习效率呢?环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年英语六级词汇备考:看对话记单词(2),希望能够帮助广大同学们更好的学习!
A: I had a wonderful body massage last night.
B: Was it painful?
massage n. 按摩,推拿
vt. 给……按摩
A: What flag is that hoisted on the mast?
B: It is the national flag. Don’t you recognize it?
mast n. 1. 船桅,桅杆,旗杆;2. 天线杆
A: Your book is a masterpiece, well done.
B: Thanks, I hope that the publishers think so , too.
masterpiece n. 杰作
A: I would love to have a baby soon.
A: That sounds like your maternal instincts talking!
maternal a. 1. 母亲的,母亲般的;2. 母系的,母方的
A: Did you put your money in the bank?
B: No, I hid it under the mattress.
mattress n. 褥垫,床垫
A: I love walking in the meadows in spring.
B: Me too, the fields are best at that time of year.
meadow n. 草地
A: My brothers are having a serious argument.
B: Are you going to mediate in the hope of solving it?
mediate vi. (in, between) 调解,周旋
vt. 1. 经调解解决;2. 经周旋促成
A: I visited several medieval castles while in France.
B: So that means they date from the Middle Ages, correct?
medieval a. 中世纪的,中古(时代)的
A: I try to practice meditation at least once a day.
B: Oh, I can never sit still for long periods.
meditation n. 1. 默想,默念;2. 沉思,冥想,沉思录
A: Why are you looking so melancholy, Rory?
B: I just lost my job.
melancholy a. 忧郁的,使人忧郁的,悲伤的
n. 忧郁,悲伤
A: The atmosphere at the party was exceptionally mellow.
B: Yes, all the guests were very relaxed.
mellow a. 1. (颜色或声音)柔和的;2. (水果)熟透的,甘美多汁的,(酒)芳醇的;3. 成熟的,老练的,稳健的;4. 高兴的,微醉的
v. 1. (使)变得柔和;2. (使)成熟;3. (使)变得香醇
A: Sing along to this melody.
B: I would, but I haven’t a note in my head.
melody n. 1. 旋律,曲调;2. 悦耳的音乐
A: Would you like to try some melon?
B: I’d love to, is it sweet?
melon n. 瓜,甜瓜
A: Does Kelly know where to meet us?
B: Yeah, I left a memo for her.
memo n. 备忘录
A: You have had such an interesting life, you should write your memoirs.
B: I’ve already started them.
memoir n. 1. [pl.]回忆录,自传;2. 记事录
A: Do we have to memorise the whole poem, Sir?
B: No, only the first two verses.
memorise v. 记住,熟记