2014-01-24 14:04:42 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网站编辑整理 
导读:命运:Nobody can control your destiny , only you are the master of your destiny.没能人能控制你的命运,只有你才是运命运的主宰。


  1. criterion n.

  标准:What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work? 你用什么标准来衡量学生的学业?

  2.cumulative a.

  累积的:It is a cumulative process. 它是一个逐步累积的过程。

  3.decentralize v.

  分散:As businesses decentralize and downsize, information systems follow suit. 随着企业的分散化和小规模化,信息系统也产生同样的变化。

  下放(权利):The city government is looking for ways to decentralize. 市政府正在寻求分权的方法。

  4.dedicate vt.

  把……献给:She dedicated her first book to her husband. 她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。

  题献词于(著作等)上: This was dedicated on his new book. 他的新书上有题词。

  5.defective a.

  有缺点的:The child was born with defective eyesight. 这孩子出生时就有视力缺陷。

  6.deficient a.

  缺乏的:We are deficient in hands. 我们人手不够。

  有缺陷的:One that is physically or mentally deficient. 有缺陷的人/身心不健全的人

  7.degrade v.

  降低……身份:I felt degraded by having to ask for money. 我处于无奈向别人讨钱,自觉有失尊严。

  使降级:He was degraded for disobeying orders. 他因不服从命令而受到降级处分。

  8. delicacy n.

  精致:The Chinese palace lanterns are famous for their delicacy. 中国的宫灯以精巧闻名。

  佳肴:The local people regard these crabs as a great delicacy. 当地人认为这些螃蟹是珍馐美味。

  9.deregulation n.

  撤销政府对……的管制:Most business and industries approve of deregulation from government control.大多数公司和产业赞成政府撤销管制。

  10.destiny n.

  命运:Nobody can control your destiny , only you are the master of your destiny.没能人能控制你的命运,只有你才是运命运的主宰。



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