2014-01-24 13:58:46 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网站编辑整理 
导读:拨款:The mayor approved the appropriation of the new school.市长同意拨专款给那所新学校。 挪用:the appropriation of public money for a new hospital 把公款拨作建造新医院之用


  1. alternate

  v.交替:Most farmers alternate their crops. 多数农民实行轮作。

  a.交替的:a pattern of alternate circles and squares 圆形与方形相间的图案

  间隔的:They saw each other on alternate Sundays. 他们每隔一个星期天相会一次。

  2. ambiguity n.

  意义不明确:Her answer was above all ambiguity. 她的回答毫不含糊。

  3. amend

  vt.修改:amend the law 修改法律

  n.(pl.)赔偿:make amends 赔偿

  4. appraise v.

  评定:appraise a student's work 评定学生的作业

  5. appropriation n.

  拨款:The mayor approved the appropriation of the new school.市长同意拨专款给那所新学校。

  挪用:the appropriation of public money for a new hospital 把公款拨作建造新医院之用

  6. apt a.

  恰当的:It was an apt remark. 这话讲得得体。

  易于……的:be apt to be forgetful 健忘

  聪明的:very apt at programming a computer 非常善于编电脑程序

  7. arrogance a.

  傲慢:I couldn't believe the arrogance of the man! 真不敢相信这个人竟如此傲慢。

  8. assurance n.

  保证:He gave me an assurance that it would be ready by Friday. 他向我保证星期五一定准备好。

  信心: It was good to see some of her old assurance coming back.看到她重拾信心真好。

  (人寿)保险: a life assurance policy 人寿保险单

  9. athletic

  a.运动的:an athletic meeting 运动会

  擅长运动的:He is an athletic-looking young man.他是个体格健美的年轻人。

  10. attendant

  n.服务人员:a flight attendant 空姐

  a.伴随的:attendant circumstances 附带情况



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