2014-01-24 14:01:28 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网站编辑整理 
导读:勾结:There was a rumor that he was in collaboration with the enemy. 传言他勾结敌人。


  1. clearing n.

  (森林中的)空地:a clearing in the jungle 丛林中的空地

  2. collaboration n.

  合作:a collaboration between the two theatres 两家剧院合作

  勾结:There was a rumor that he was in collaboration with the enemy. 传言他勾结敌人。

  3. collide vi

  碰撞:The two ships collided.两条船撞上了。

  冲突:The interests of the two countries collide. 两国的利益发生冲突。

  4. commemorate vt.

  纪念:This memorial commemorates those who died in the war. 这座纪念碑是纪念战争中牺牲者的。

  5. commentary n.

  实况报道:a broadcast commentary of a football match 足球赛实况的广播报道

  评论文章:a commentary on the world situation 对世界局势的评论

  6. commonplace

  a.普通的:He is not at all exciting, in fact he's really rather commonplace. 他毫不出奇, 实际上平庸得很。

  n.寻常的事物:Jet travel is now a commonplace. 乘喷射机旅行现在是寻常的事。

  7. complement

  vt.补充:A flaming dessert complemented the dinner.热腾腾的甜点使晚饭更加丰盛。

  n.补充:This wine is the perfect complement to fish. 吃鱼喝这酒,相得益彰。


  8. compliment

  vt.赞美:He complimented her on her new dress. 他称赞她的新衣服漂亮。

  n.赞美:Your presence is a great compliment. 承蒙光临,不胜荣幸。

  (pl.)问候:My compliments to your father! 向你父亲代为致意!

  9. compulsory a.

  强制性的:Is military service compulsory in your country? 你们国家实行义务兵役制吗?

  必修的:a compulsory subject 必修科目/compulsory education 义务教育

  10. concise a.

  简明的:a concise summary 简洁的总结



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