2014-02-12 10:35:07 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,只有掌握了大量的词汇,才能刚好的进一步学习英语,更好的优美的段落、文章,增强词汇记忆是攻克写作这座大山的不二法宝。环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年英语六级写作考试出现的高频词汇解析(52),希望能够帮助到广大备考的六级考生!
1.compel vt.
强迫:The heavy rain compelled us to stay indoors. 大雨迫使我们呆在户内。
2.compete vi.
竞争:We can compete with the best teams. 我们能与最好的队竞争。
a.完整的:Is this a complete list? 这是份完整的清单吗?
完成的:We can't go out until our homework is complete. 我们把作业做完才能出去。
vt.使完整:Complete the sentences in the exercise by filling in the blanks. 在空白处填充使练习中各句成为完整句。
完成:By the end of August we had completed the work. 我们到八月底就完成了这项工作。
4.conclusion n.
结论:The result of your report is an erroneous conclusion. 你的报告结果是错误的结论。
5.confront vt.
使面对:confront danger 勇敢地面对危险
6.constitute vt.
组成:This move constitutes an act of aggression. 这一举动构成了侵略行为。
设立:A committee was constituted to investigate into that affair. 建立了一个委员会以调查那件事。
7.consultant n.
会诊医生:The GP and patient may well think that this consultant is best qualified to treat the patient.GP和患者足以认为这个会诊医生可以给予患者最佳的治疗。
顾问:There are two consultants to the governor on environmental protection. 州长有两个环保问题顾问。
v.比赛:He got the best of it in the contest. 他在比赛中得胜了。
质疑:The plaintiff contested the will. 原告对遗嘱的有效性提出异议。
n.比赛:He took part in the composition contest and won a prize. 他参加作文比赛并得了奖。
9.conventional a.
习惯的:"Good morning" is a conventional greeting. "早安"是习用的招呼语。
普遍的:It's conventional to give friends gifts on their birthdays.给朋友送生日礼物是常见的事。
10.cope vi.
成功地对付:I was amazed at her ability to cope with the difficult situation. 她对付困境的能力使我惊讶。