2014-01-02 10:53:35 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网站编辑整理 


  According to the latest research in the' United States of America, men and women talk such different languages that it is like people from two different cultures trying to communicate. Professor Deborah Tannen of Georgetown University, has noticed the difference in the style of boy's and girl's conversations from an early age. She says that little girls' conversation is less definite than boys' and expresses more doubts. Little boys use conversation to establish status with their listeners.

  These differences continue into adult life, she says. In public conversations, men talk most and interrupt other speakers more. In private conversations, men and women speak in equal amounts—although they say things in a different style. Professor Tannen believes that, for woman, private talking is a way to establish and test intimacy. For men, private talking is a way to explore the power structure of a relationship.

  Teaching is one job where the differences between men's and women's ways of talking show. When a man teaches a woman, says Professor Tannen, he wants to show that he has more knowledge, and hence more power in conversation. When a woman teaches another woman, however, she is more likely to take a sharing approach and to encourage her student to join in.

  But Professor Tannen does not believe that women are naturally more helpful. She says women feel they achieve power by being able to help others. Although the research suggests men talk and interrupt people more than women, Professor Tannen says, women actually encourage this to happen because they believe it will lead to more intimacy and help to establish a relationship.

  Some scientists who are studying speech think that the brain is pre programmed for language. As we are usually taught to speak by women, it seems likely that the brain must have a sexual bias(倾向性) in its programming,

  otherwise male speech patterns would not arise at all.

  1. In the opinion of the writer, women encourage men to talk because

  A. it will lead to more intimacy and help to establish a relationship

  B. it will help to establish status with their listeners

  C. it will help to express more clearly

  D. it will help to communicate better

  2. There are_______in little girls' conversation than in boys'.

  A. fewer doubts B. more demands

  C. more doubts D. fewer uncertainties

  3. Some scientists believe that brain is pre-programmed for language. The word "pre programmed" means_______.

  A. programmed already B. programmed before one is born

  C. programmed early D. programmed by women

  4. In private conversation, women speak

  A. the same things as men B. less than men

  C. more than men D. as much as men

  5. The theme of this article is _______.

  A. women are naturally more helpful

  B. men and women talk different languages

  C. men talk most and interrupt other speakers more

  D. little girls' conversation is less definite

  1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B



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