2013-12-10 14:54:25 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网络编辑整理罗马不是一天建成的,想在英语六级作文上取胜,同样需要把功夫尽可能多的下在平时,希望同学们在平时的英语学习中注重加强自身的写作实力,对写作这部分有自己的理解和把握,更需要同学们持之以恒的练习,才能在不断前进和发展的六级考试中游刃有余,获得满意的分数。环球博海四六级小编特整理了2013年12月新英语六级预测作文:了解别人,希望对大家有所帮助!
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We can learn about a person from the books and movies that person like..
To learn a person well, we have variousmethods to choose. For example, we can talk with the person who we want to knowor play sports with him/her. However, when comes to the issue that whether wecan know people through the book they read or the movies they watch, views varyfrom person to person. As far as I am concerned, books and films can allow usto learn their hosts deeply.
To begin with, we can learn whatkind of job a person is doing through his/her books and movies. What thecontent of people ‘jobs are will decide what kind of books or movies which theyshould read or watch.For example, my father is a business man, so he is alwaysinterested in reading some books about administration and biography. One of hisfavorite books is a biography of Steve Jobs, a god of gadgets. There are other hundredsof books like this biography, so if you look these books, think a while andthen, you can guess out that my father is a business man. Also, take my cousinas another example, since she is studying a choregraphy in the University. Oneof her favorite movies is High School Musical and she always learn some actionof dances from it. Therefore, we can learn the jobs of people easily via theirfavorite books and movies.
What’s more, we can also get tolearn people’s personalities from their
favorite books and films. Personalitiescan also influence people’s tastes greatly. For instance, a melt girl is probablylikely to choose to reading novels or movies about love story. A brave youngman may be fond of horror movies. One of my friend, Steve, is a such kind ofman. He usually enjoy some horror movies at home in his spare time and sharehis feeling about the movies to us. I believe that what kind of person they arewould have affect what kind of books or movies they like. Consequently, thosebooks and movies would show the personalities to us in detail.
Admittedly, at times we cannot knowa person total completely just via the movies or books they like. We need tocommunicate with them face to face so that we can have a deep understanding.However, it does not mean that books and movies are not one of the best mediumsto show their hosts. In fact, if we are able to learn a person’s favorite booksor films at first, it is dramatically that we could know this person better bysubsequent communication.
In conclusion, based on thediscussion mentioned above, considering those people’s favorite books andmovies play a considerably significant role in their lives, I truly believe thatwe can have a remarkable learning of a person when we try to read their booksor taste their favorite movies.