2014-01-09 14:45:42 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,其重要性不言而喻,但如何才能更好的记忆词汇,提高学习效率呢?环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年英语六级词汇备考:看对话记单词(17),希望能够帮助广大同学们更好的学习!
A: I was offered a bribe to give my students better marks in their exams.
B: I hope that you did not accept it.
A: Tell me, why did you break into the bank?
B: I was bribed into it.
bribe vt. 向…行贿,买通
n. 贿赂,行贿物
A: Where are the letter you were meant to post?
B: Oh, they are in my briefcase, but I left it at the office.
briefcase n. 公文包,公事包
A: What was your childhood dream?
B: To become a member of the fire brigade.
brigade n. 1. 旅(陆军编制单位);2. 队,组
A: The brim of your hat is covering your eyes.
B: That is because I don’t want anyone to notice me.
brim n. 1. 帽檐;2. (容器的)边,边缘
vi. 注满,充溢
brim over (with) 充满,洋溢
A: I was on the brink of leaving my job, but decided to stay.
B: What changed your mind?
brink n. (悬崖,河流等的)边缘,边沿
on the brink of 濒临,处于…边缘
A: Slow down, stop walking so fast!
B: A brisk walk will be good for your health.
brisk a. 1. 轻快的,生气勃勃的;2. 兴隆的,繁忙活跃的;3. 寒冷而清新的
A: My paintbrush is too old to start the decorating.
B: I have one with better bristles if you want to borrow it.
bristle n. 短而硬的毛发,刷子毛
vi. 1. 被激怒,怒发冲冠;2. 毛发(因惊惧等)直立
bristle with 密集,充满,被布满
A: Don’t lean on the glass, it is very brittle.
B: Oops, sorry, it is too late.
brittle a. 1. 易碎的,易损坏的;2. 脆弱的,靠不住的;3. 冷淡的,不友好的;4. (声音)尖厉的
A: What place did you come in in the race?
B: Third. I won a bronze.
bronze n. 1. 青铜;2. 青铜色,古铜色;3. 青铜(艺术)制品,铜牌
A: This is a very complicated question, professor.
B: Brood on it for a while and maybe you will find the solution.
A: Are the hens sitting with their brood?
B: No, they seem to have neglected them.
brood vi. 1. (on, over, about)沉思,考虑;2. 孵蛋
n. 1. (雏鸡等)一窝;2. (一个家庭)全体孩子
A: If you walk up the east side of the mountain you will find a small brook where you can fill your bottles with water.
B: Great, I’m really thirsty, but is the water safe to drink?
brook n. 小溪
vt. [常用于否定句或疑问句]容忍,忍受
A: Where were you this afternoon?
B: In the bookshop, just browsing.
browse vi. 1. 随意翻阅,浏览;2. (牛,羊等)吃草
A: That is a nasty bruise.
B: Yeah, I fell down the stairs last week and hit my head.
A: He bruised me with his nasty comments.
B: Don’t listen to him then.
bruise n. 1. 青肿,挫伤;2. (水果等的)伤痕,擦痕
vt. 1. 打青,使受淤伤;2. 挫伤,伤害(感情等)
A: That was a brutal crime.
B: Yeah, there seems to be nothing but bad news these days.
brutal a. 1. 野兽般的,残忍的;2. 无情的,冷酷的,难以忍受的