2014-01-08 14:37:28 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,其重要性不言而喻,但如何才能更好的记忆词汇,提高学习效率呢?环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年英语六级词汇备考:看对话记单词(1),希望能够帮助广大同学们更好的学习!
A: What type of tree is that?
B: I think it is a maple
maple n. 槭树,枫树,槭木
A: I really dislike Stephanie.
B: Don’t try to mar me with your negative impressions of her before I even meet her.
mar vt. 破坏,毁坏
A: I’m getting a new fireplace installed.
B: Is it the marble one you had your eye on?
marble n. 1. 大理石;2. (用玻璃、石头等制成的)弹子;3. [pl.]弹子游戏
A: The mare is expecting her foal in three weeks.
B: Oh! I thought a mare was a male horse, silly me!
mare n. 母马,母驴
A: Did you do well in the exam, Sir?
B: Yes, you only made some marginal errors.
marginal a. 1. 微小的,少量的,不重要的;2. 仅以微弱多数票获胜的;3. 记(或引)在页边的,有旁注的
A: Have you ever smoked marijuana?
B: No, I have never tried drugs.
marijuana n. 大麻,大麻烟
A: What is your marital status?
B: I am married.
marital a. 婚姻的,夫妻的
A: I’m going to visit the maritime museum this afternoon.
B: I assume that it is the one by the sea.
maritime a. 1. 海的,海事的,航海的;2. 近海的,海的
A: It rained so much. My garden is like a marsh.
B: Don’t worry, it will dry out soon.
marsh n. 沼泽,湿地
A: I was a marshal in the army for 11 years.
B: Gosh, that is a high rank, you must have worked hard to get there.
marshal n. 1. 元帅,最高指挥官;2. (某些群众活动的)总指挥,司仪;3. (美国的)执法官,警察局长,消防队长
vt. 整理,排列,集结
A: I read that the ancient Romans were martial people.
B: I’m not sure if they were inclined to war.
martial a. 战争的,军事的,武术的
A: The sunset is amazing.
B: Yes, I am sitting here marveling at it right now.
marvel vi. (at) 惊叹,赞佩
vt. 对……感到惊异
n. 令人惊异(或不可思议)的事,奇迹
A: That girl looks particularly masculine.
B: Maybe it is because she lifts weights.
masculine a. 1. 男性的,男子的;2. 男子气的
A: Shall I mash your potatoes?
B: No, thanks, I like them whole.
mash vt. (up) 把……捣成糊状
n. 糊状物
A: The soldiers massacred each other with gunfire during the war.
B: Do you know how many people were killed?
massacre vt. 1. 大规模屠杀,残杀;2. 彻底击败
n. 1. 大屠杀,残杀;2. (比赛等)残败