2014-02-12 10:33:18 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,只有掌握了大量的词汇,才能刚好的进一步学习英语,更好的优美的段落、文章,增强词汇记忆是攻克写作这座大山的不二法宝。环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年英语六级写作考试出现的高频词汇解析(51),希望能够帮助到广大备考的六级考生!
1.accordance n.
符合:You should play the game in accordance with the rules. 你们应按照规则进行比赛。
2.agenda n.
议事日程:Let's go on to the next item on the agenda. 我们讨论议程表上的下一项吧。
n.警戒:She was always on the alert for some new calamities. 她总是保持警觉以防某种新的灾难。
a.警觉的:She is alert to every sound and movement. 她对每一个声音和动作都很警觉。
v.使警觉:The doctor alerted me to the danger of a heart attack. 医生提醒我注意心脏病发作的危险。
4.ambition n.
雄心:Her son was filled with ambition to become a great inventor. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。
野心:He is in bondage to his ambition.他做了自己野心的奴隶。
5.ambitious a.
有雄心的:She's ambitious and eager to get on(in die world). 她雄心勃勃,迫切地想成功。
有野心的:GOOGLE must be the most ambitious company in the world.谷歌肯定是世界上最有野心的公司。
6.appearance n.
出现:John's appearance in the doorway was welcomed with shouts. 约翰出现在门口时,大家高喊着欢迎他。
外貌:The appearance of the old house completely changed. 那所旧房子的外观全变了。
7.appliance n.
器具:The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances. 这间厨房里安装了各种现代化设备。
a.适当的:She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。
vt.私占:The manager was found to have appropriated store money. 那位经理曾经挪用店里的钱。
拨出:The city will appropriate funds for the new airport. 该市将拨款建造新机场。
9.capacity n.
容量:The theater has a seating capacity of 800. 这个剧场可容纳八百名观众。
能力:He has a great capacity for learning languages. 他学语言的能力很强。
vt.战斗:He resolved to combat with his bad habits. 他决意与自己的坏习惯作斗争。
n.战斗:The combat between good and evil will continue forever. 善与恶的斗争将永远继续下去。