2014-01-23 11:43:43 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,只有掌握了大量的词汇,才能刚好的进一步学习英语,更好的优美的段落、文章,增强词汇记忆是攻克写作这座大山的不二法宝。环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年英语六级写作考试出现的高频词汇解析(4),希望能够帮助到广大备考的六级考生!
1. flush
n.脸红:Marry flushed with embarrassment.玛丽羞得脸红了。
v.冲洗;脸红:Please flush the toilet after use.便后冲厕。
2. funding n.
资金:Can we get back to the problem of funding?我们回到资金的问题上吧。
3. granted
ad.不错,的确:Granted, he doesn't look too bad for his age, though there's nothing about his character that would appeal to me. 的确,他这个年纪了依然看上去不错,但是我还是对他没有任何好感。
conj.假定,就算:Granted that you are telling the truth, can you prove it? 就算你说的是实话,你能证明吗?
4. haunt
vt.(指鬼魂)常出没于:a haunted house 经常闹鬼的房子
vt.萦绕:The memory still haunts me. 那段回忆仍然萦回在我的脑际。
n.常去的地方:The library was one of his favourite haunts at school.上学时,图书馆是他常去的地方之一。
5. initiate vt.
开始,创始:initiate a new course of studies 开设一门新课程
使初步了解(initiate sb. in/into sth.):He initiated his son into the game of chess. 他把下棋的初步知识教给儿子。
6. intrinsic a.
固有的,本身的:a man's intrinsic worth 人自身的价值
7. intuition n.
直觉:women's intuition女人的直觉
8. irritate vt.
使恼怒:His words irritated me a little. 他的话使我有点恼火。
9. manifest
a.明显的:Fear is manifest on his face.他脸上显露出恐惧的表情。
vt.使显现:She doesn't manifest much desire to marry him.她没有表明很想嫁给他的意愿。(近义词: show)
10. mingle
v.(使)混合:The water of the two streams mingled.两条溪流的水汇合了。(近义词:mix)
vi.交往:He mingles little in society.他很少交际。