2013-12-18 17:38:06 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网络编辑整理翻译部分所需的能力比较全面综合,所以无疑可以说是四六级中最难的题型,最易丢分。但是如果同学们在平时多掌握大量词汇以及多练习六级翻译题型、双语新闻等,无疑也是最简单、白送分的题型,环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年6月英语六级改革题型-翻译试题(3),供大家参考!
Observing People
Sturdy grass withstands hing winds and distancetests a horse'strength.It is hard to observe aperson,but it is not entirely without any rules.We canobserve a person's ability from the attitudes hedeals with different kinds of situations.Some people would shirk the responsibility or escapewhen confronted with the big affairs which he needs shoulder the responsibility or some toughproblems.With such a passive attitude,how could this person shoulder the heavy responsibilityof the world?So the people who are brave enough to shoulder responsibilities would alwaysstep out at the crucial time.With the profound accomplishment and moral character,this kindof people have the wide heart and bearing no matter in the favorable circumstance or not.Hewill present the heroic bearing of “let the wind blow and waves beat,better than idly strolling incourtyard.”It is the person that can wholly be trusted.