2014-01-23 11:42:33 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网站编辑整理 
导读:亿万富翁:His father is a billionaire and he is the second rich generation.他老爸是个亿万富翁,他就是个富二代。


  1. ascend

  vi.渐渐上升: The smoke ascends slowly to the sky. 烟袅袅升向天空。

  vt.攀登;登上:We Zetian ascended the throne.武则天登上了宝座。

  2. billionaire n.

  亿万富翁:His father is a billionaire and he is the second rich generation.他老爸是个亿万富翁,他就是个富二代。

  3. brisk a.

  轻快的:a brisk walker 走路轻快的人

  生意兴荣的:brisk trade 贸易兴荣

  寒冷而清新的:a brisk breeze 清新的微风

  4. certify vt.

  证明:a document certifying sb's birth 证明某人出生的文件

  发证书给:certify him as a high school English teacher 给他颁发中学英语教师证书

  5. conceive v.

  构思:conceive an idea 有个想法

  怀有:conceive a baby 还有身孕

  认为:The ancients conceived (of) the world as flat.古人认为地球是平的。(conceive相当于think)

  6. contemplate vt.

  周密考虑:contemplate the problem再三考虑这个问题(think about the problem seriously)

  凝视:She lay on the grass, contemplating the high, blue sky. 她躺在草地上,凝视着高高的蓝天。

  7. disable vt.

  使丧失能力:The accident disabled him from walking.事故使他不能走路了。(disable sb. from doing sth.)

  8. eccentric

  a.古怪的,怪癖的:an eccentric man 古怪的人

  n.古怪的人:The old lady is a bit of an eccentric. 这位老太太有点古怪。

  9. essence n.

  本质,要素:She is the essence of kindness. 她本性善良。

  精髓,精华:vanilla essence 香草精 / meat essences肉汁

  10. extravagant a.

  奢侈的:Don't be so extravagant.别这么奢侈。



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