2014-02-12 10:28:01 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网站编辑整理词汇是学习英语的基础,只有掌握了大量的词汇,才能刚好的进一步学习英语,更好的优美的段落、文章,增强词汇记忆是攻克写作这座大山的不二法宝。环球博海四六级小编特整理了2014年英语六级写作考试出现的高频词汇解析(49),希望能够帮助到广大备考的六级考生!
1.previous a.
先前的:Have you had previous career experience? 你过去有过工作经验吗?
过早的:Don't be too previous about refusing. 不要急于拒绝。
2.priority n.
优先(权):Safety has high priority in factories. 工厂里安全至关重要。
优先考虑的事:Road building is a top priority. 筑路是最优先考虑的事。
3.privilege n.
特权:He enjoys diplomatic privileges. 他享有外交特权。
4.recreation n.
消遣:I regard reading as a form of recreation. 我把看书当作一种消遣。
5.regardless ad.
不顾后果地:She is determined to do regardless of all consequences. 她不顾一切后果,决心这样做。
vt.保留:These seats are reserved for special guests. 这些座位是为特别的来宾保留的。
预定:They have reserved rooms at a hotel. 他们已预订了旅馆房间。
n.储备物:The old man kept a large reserve of firewood for cold weather. 这位老人贮存了大量的柴薪以备天冷时用。
预备军:The reserves were quickly mobilized during the war. 战争期间后备队很快动员起来。
v.解决:The letter resolved all our doubts. 这封信消除了我们的一切疑虑。
决定:She resolved (that) she would never speak to him again. 她决心不再和他说话。
分解:Some chemical compounds can be resolved by heat. 一些化学化合物可以通过加热分解。
n.决心:He made a firm resolve to give up gambling. 他下决心不再赌博。
v.颠倒:in reverse order 次序颠倒
n.挫折:His career met with many reverses. 他的事业遭到许多挫折。
a.相反的:This time it came in the reverse direction. 这一次它是从相反的方向来的。
vt.献祭:A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess. 向女神祭献了一头牺牲小牛。
牺牲:I could sacrifice a great deal for a cause. 我能够为一个动机作出巨大牺牲。
n.祭品:They killed a sheep as a sacrifice. 他们宰了一只羊作为祭品。
牺牲:Parents often make sacrifices for their children. 父母亲常常为子女作出牺牲。
10. salary n.
薪金:How does she get by on such a small salary? 她靠那么一点儿薪水怎么过活?