2014-02-11 14:39:38 | 编辑:环球博海四六级  来自:网站编辑整理 
导读:revenue n.税收:Tax revenues increased last year. 去年税收增加了。收入:Rent is one form of revenue. 房租是一种收入。


  1.profession n.

  职业:He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在职业上出人头地。

  同行:The teaching profession claim that they are badly paid. 教师同行们声称待遇太差。

  表白:She did not believe in his professions of love. 她不相信他的爱情表白是真的。


  v.允诺:He promised me the book. 他答应给我这本书。

  有希望:It promises to be fine tomorrow. 明天有希望是个好天气。

  n.诺言:Give me your promise that you'll never be late again. 答应我你绝不再迟到了。

  希望:The young man shows promise as a poet. 这位青年有成为诗人的希望。

  3.responsible a.

  需要负责任的:Politicians are responsible to the voters. 政治家应对选民负责。

  重要的:She holds a very responsible position within the company. 她在公司的责任重大。

  4.revenue n.

  税收:Tax revenues increased last year. 去年税收增加了。

  收入:Rent is one form of revenue. 房租是一种收入。

  5.sensitive a.

  敏感的:He is too sensitive to criticism. 他对批评太敏感。

  容易生气的:He is sensitive about his failure. 人家一提他的失败他就生气。


  v.转移:In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin. 八月时我们把家具搬到了都柏林。

  改变:A sunset like this shifted its tints every moment. 像这样的日落时时刻刻在改变着色彩。

  n.转移:A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to turn over. 重量突然转移使船翻了。

  轮班: She works on the night shift. 她上夜班。

  7.solution n.

  解答:The solution of the problem requires a lot of time. 解决这个问题需要很多时间。

  溶液:She rinsed her mouth with a solution of salt in water. 她用盐的水溶液漱口。


  prep. 相当于……价值的:This necklace is worth 1,000 US dollars. 这条项链值一千美元。

  n.价值:This research project is of great worth. 这一研究项目很有价值。

  9.abandon vt.

  丢弃:The crew abandoned the burning ship. 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船。

  抛弃:The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side. 人们发现那辆损坏的自行车被扔在河边。

  放弃:He finally abandoned his reformist ideas. 他终于放弃了自己的改良主义思想。

  10.acute a.

  敏锐的:He is a man of acute intelligence. 他非常聪颖。

  严重的:It is urgent that the acute problem of air pollution in the city be solved. 该城市空气污染这一严重问题亟须解决。



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