2013-11-29 10:24:19 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网络编辑整理阅读理解历来都是大学英语四级考试中的重心,内容非常贴近大学生日常生活。可是面对快速阅读,选词填空,仔细阅读多题型共同组合而成的四级阅读块系,很多同学变得无所适从,没有嵌入点。环球博海四六级小编特整理了2013年英语六级新题型-选词填空习题及答案(10),希望对大家有所帮助!
The first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens(雅典)in 1896and only twelve nations participated. Besides the host nationman participants were tourists who __1__ to be in Greece atthe time. Though the whole affair was __2__ and the standardwas not high, the old principle of amateur sport was kept up.Since then the games had been held every four yearsexcept during the __3__ of the two World War. This was __4__ adeparture from the old Olympic spirit when wars had to stoPandmake way for the games.The games have grown enormously in scale and __5__performances have now reached unprecedented heights.Unfortunately the same cannot be said about their __6__ standard.Instead of Olympia, the modern games are now held in differentcities all over the world. Inevitably politics and commercialismget involvedas countries vie each other for(为 ...... 而互相竞争) the __7__ to hold the games because of the politicalprestige and commercial profit to be __8__ out of them. Inthe 11 th games held in Berlin in 1936, Hitler who had newlycome to __9__ in Germany tried to use the occasion for hisNazi propaganda. For the first time the Olympic flame wasbrought all the way from Olympia to the games site in relays,a marathon journey now often taking months to __10__.
A) honour
B) accomplish
C) had
D) moral
E) arrive
F) occured
G) end
H) power
I) happened
J) definitely
K) Physical
L) informal
M) interruption
N) especially
O) irregular