2013-11-12 13:15:24 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网络编辑整理2013年12月六级英语考试在即,环球博海四六级小编特为同学们搜集了英语六级听力词汇,下面是2013年12月英语六级考试听力必备300词汇(19),希望能够更好的帮助同学们备考,祝大家在四六级考试中取得理想成绩。
181. difference差别 差异 (意见的)分歧
Jane Brown thought her salary could make a difference between the financial struggle, and secure financial situation for her family.
In fact, many East Asians often keep their difference of opinion to themselves, and merely smile and remain silent rather than engage in the confrontation.
182. difficult困难的 难懂的
Some critics say the Poe’s work is difficult to understand, and most of their writing describes many unpleasant situations and events.
183. difficulty困难 费劲 难事
Americans have great difficulty understanding foreigners who always want to be with another person and who dislike being alone.
184. digest消化 领悟 文摘
We heard that when you were a kid, you submitted a story to Reader’s Digest.
Well, I don’t remember the story exactly, but my idea of great time then was a pad of lined paper and a new blue pen. I thought of myself as a Readers’ Digest member at the age of six.
185. digital数字的 数字显示的
Could you tell me where an electronic products are displayed? I want to see some TVs, digital video cameras, DVD players, that sort of thing.
186. dignity庄严 端庄 尊严 高贵
The protection of human dignity inclines to core spirits of modern law on which the basis of modern law should be placed.
187. directly直接地 径直地 正好地
Benjamin Franklin was deeply interested in science and natural history, and his experiments of electricity and lightening led directly to the invention of lightening rod.
188. disaster灾难 天灾
The decade for natural disaster reduction is a program designed to reduce the impact of natural disasters throughout the world.
189. discharge释放 解雇 排出 放出
Many scientists, therefore, believe that crying somehow helps us cope with emotional situations. Tear researcher, Winifred, is trying to figure out how it happens. One possibility, he says, is that tears discharge certain chemicals from your body, chemicals that build up during stress.
190. discount(价格、债款等)折扣 把…打折 漠视
I’ve been waiting all week for the concert, the performance is said to be excellent, and with our student discount, the tickets will be really cheap.
Ah-ha, I’m afraid I left my student ID-card in the dorm.
To protect your sense of self, you begin to discount the goal. You may think “well, dieting wasn’t that important to me, and I won’t make it anyhow”, so you abandon the goal and return to your bad habits.