2013-11-12 12:05:38 | 编辑:环球博海四六级 来自:网络编辑整理2013年12月六级英语考试在即,环球博海四六级小编特为同学们搜集了英语六级听力词汇,下面是2013年12月英语六级考试听力必备300词汇(1),希望能够更好的帮助同学们备考,祝大家在四六级考试中取得理想成绩。
1. concept概念 观念 设想
Do you think home video players would replace movie theaters and force them out of the entertainment businesses?
We certainly face to the great challenge from the DVD industry, that’s why I think we have to revolution our concept about the movie showing. As I said, the movie theater should not just be a place to watch a film, but place to meet people.
2. concerning关于
You must be familiar with all safety preceduling operation and maitainment this equipment.
3. concert音乐会 演奏会
Did you see just now, I want to ask her to go with us to the concert tonight.
She must be around somewhere. You might still be able to catch her.
4. conduct进行 管理 举止 行为
What’s considered typical popular conduct in one country maybe regarded as odd, inproper or even rude in the other.
5. conference会议 正式会议 讨论会
I thought you are going to call me last night about the plans for the conference on language teaching.
Sorry, I should have. But tom and Jane stopped by, and stayed until midnight.
6. confidence信任 信赖 信心 自信
I’ve never seen you have such confidence before in the exam.
It’s more than confidence! Right now I feel if I got less than A, it will be the fault of the exam itself.
7. confirm证实 肯定 确认
When the docotor examed Wilt, the docotor confirmed Wilt’s fears. The doctor told Wilt that he had a broken bone in the wirst, and he couldn’t play anymore.
8. consequently所以 因此 因而
Fishes are caught when they are on the way upstream to lay eggs, Consequently, not enough fished are left to reproduce in large numbers.
9. consider考虑 认为 把…看作
Most Americans are consider to success when they make a name for themselves.
10. constitude构成 形成 建立
Professor Stevenson, as a economist, how do you look upon the surging chinese ecnomy? does it constitude a threat to the rest of the world?
I believe china’s economics success should be seen more as an opportunity than a threat, those who look upon it as a threat overlooked the benefit of china’s growth to the world economy, they also lack the understanding of elementary economics.