实施:administer the law 执法,投(药):The nurse administered the medicine to the sick child. 护士给生病的孩子服药。 2014-01-24
surpass vt.超过,胜过:The beauty of the scenery surpassed all my expectations. 我万万没想到风景那么漂亮。 2014-01-24
reproach vt./n.责备,批评:Mother reproached me for being too clumsy. 母亲责备我笨手笨脚。 2014-01-24
弥漫:The smell of cooking permeates (through) the flat. 整套房间都弥漫着做菜的气味。 深入:The new ideas have gradually permeated through the people. 新思想已逐渐深入民心。 2014-01-24
构成整体所必需的:The arms and legs are integral parts of a human body. 臂和腿是人体不可缺少的部分。 2014-01-24
瑕疵:This vase would be perfect but for a few small flaws in its base. 这花瓶底部没有那几个小斑点就十全十美了。 2014-01-23
提升:He was elevated to the position of captain. 他被提升为船长。提高修养:to elevate the minds of the young man 提高这个年轻人的修养 2014-01-23
演绎,推断:What do you deduce from these facts? 从这些事实你能推断出什么? 2014-01-23
巧合:“I'm going to Suzhou tomorrow.” “What a coincidence! So am I.” “我准备明天去苏州。” “真巧! 我也去。” 2014-01-23
宣称:Ren Zhiqiang alleged that he was retiring.任志强声称他将退职。 2014-01-23
模糊不清的:The meaning of the passage is obscure. 这段文字意义晦涩。 2014-01-23
资金:Can we get back to the problem of funding?我们回到资金的问题上吧。 2014-01-23
亿万富翁:His father is a billionaire and he is the second rich generation.他老爸是个亿万富翁,他就是个富二代。 2014-01-23
使浸没:He immersed his hands in hot water to warm them.他把手浸到热水中暖暖手。 2014-01-23
(物体)附着:There are several pages adhere to each other.有几页书粘在一起了。(人)坚持,遵守:We should adhere to the contract.我们应当遵守合同。 2014-01-23
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